Gull Bay First Nation

Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek

A Giant-Step Achievement Towards Settlement of KZA’s Treaty Reserve Claim

The following correspondence piece has been mailed out via Canada Post and US Mail Service just THIS MORNING to all KZA Registered Status Indian members to their last known/provided address. This is a test to ensure maximum participation of and information reception by KZA Members in upcoming processes.

If you filled in the Member Contact Info form on the KZA website, then your address has been captured and trust that in approximately 3 days you will receive this test communication piece. 

If you have not provided your address to KZA Administration staff since 2021 (the last election process), then it is strongly suggested you go to the “Contact Info Update’ form tab and fill the information out IN FULL. 

Addresses provided on the FN website are securely stored and will be provided ONLY to resource persons needing current addresses for members for upcoming processes (as outlined on the information poster below).

Apologies to families who may be in receipt of correspondence sent to deceased members, but KZA must test the addresses of all those names currently listed on the Registered Status Indian Membership List (as provided by Indigenous Services Canada). KZA Admin is working closely with families and ISC to remove the names of those who have journeyed onward and would appreciate any/all cooperation from members. Should you desire assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the FN Administration office.


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Roots to Harvest

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Robinson Superior Treaty Annuity Information Portal

This portal has been set up by the Chiefs of the Robinson Superior Treaty Nations (also referred to as the “12 RST First Nations“) to provide community members with reliable information and updates on Robinson Superior Treaty Annuities Litigation.

KZA CONFIDENTIAL Contact Information Update

KZA is currently in the process of creating effective communication formats to assist in sharing pertinent information with First Nation members. In order to facilitate this process, KZA is requesting that all First Nation members who are interested in receiving communication on various community projects and processes please update their current mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email address, and status card number (if applicable). Parents, please submit the same information for all minor children in your care. PLEASE NOTE: All personal information is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. We would also like to assure you all confidential information that is being collected will only be used for the greater good.